The calendars have finally made it here and though I might be a bit bias, they are extremely cute! Max is Mr. September and I think he will carry the torch well!
The winners of the Calendar Raffle are...
Thank you for everyone who entered the drawing. We hope to have more fun drawings like this in the future :)
You look great!!!!
A worthy Mr September!!
You make a vewy handsome Mr. Septembew!!!
I think you can be justly pwoud!!
Congwatulations to the winnews!!!
smoochie kisses
Wow, congratulations to Butchy and Snickers, and Momo and Pinot! Man, that's an awesome picture of you!
Do your grandparents really live in Coquitlam? That's awesome. :) I hope they're enjoying all this snow.
Hi Max!!!i come back, and i have been to visit your blog, and can see the calendar!!! you look great in your calendar!!! i love it!!!
Hey max!!
Nice to meet you!!
Wow you are Adorable!!
Lots of love
peace out
You look great in that calendar, Max! And congratulations to Butchy & Snickers and Momo & Pinot!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey Max!!
The calendar looks pawsome!!! Congrats on being Mr. September!!
And congrats to Butchy & Snickers and Momo & Pinot! I bet they will love the calendars!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
so the calendar with ur handsome face had finally arrive
i bet from now on, every month is september...
Max, Mr. September aka Mr. handsome!!
Wow, we cannot believe we won the calendar!!! You really look great (and cute :) ) in the calendar.
Last few days my pawrents weren't able to help us to check out any blogs so this is a very very nice & surprise gift! Thank you so much.
We'll e-mail you our addy shortly. (Our pc is very slow now. If we can't e-mail you tonight, we will do first in the morning.
Thanks for making our day!!
Momo & Pinot
Maxy sure look cute! Congrats to all the winners - one of them is my sissy Momo!
You look amazing as Mr September Max - well done!!
Congratulations to the winners.
couldn't have been anyone else max(maximillian)
HI Max, we are back will be bloging again, mommy is well, please pick up our "token of appreciation" to you.
And the calendar is great...
Hi Mr. September! You look great!
Congrats to Butchy & Snickers, and Momo & Pinot!
Congratulatons Maxy you are so so so cute & so much the perfect poochy model - will you be my valentine?
Hello Max!!! We finally posted a few pictures of your calendar on our blog. You really look great and we're glad we can see you everyday! Thanks again!! :)
Momo & Pinot
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