We have taken Max to to several beaches along the California coast, and this is what we thought:
- Carmel City Beach - nice, open area, pretty crowded, but no leash required
- Carmel Pebble Beach - more secluded and could play off leash and run to the water, but there was a significant amount of seaweed on the beach
- Stinson Beach - nice beach, but is always chilly there, be sure to take his sweater; many dog-friendly restaurants in the area
- Seaside - Beautiful coast line with walking path near the beach, many dog-friendly restaurants in the area
- Muir Beach - beautiful beach with picnic area too; a few other small dogs there; plenty of room to frolic
- Half Moon Bay - walked along a guided path near the beach and on trails; nice, but not our favorite
- Marina State Beach - saw surfers and dolphins, but dogs aren't allowed on the actual beach, only surrounding area
- Monterey State Beach - had fun chasing little squirrels, beautiful beach with small trails off the beach
- Fisherman's Wharf at Monterey - very dog friendly, loads of outdoor dining
- Fisherman's Wharf at San Francisco - also dog friendly, not as much outdoor dining, a bit more chilly

Max is enjoying a scenic view of Carmel
To help compile a list of the best pup-approved beaches, please map your favorite!
Hi! That's a weally nice list..I'm sowwy, but I don't know any beaches..I've nevew seen the ocean yet..I hope a lot of othew doggies will help you make youw list
smoochie kisses
Oh, don't you just love the beach? I wish there was nice weather right now where I live so I could go to the beach.
beaches???l nearly forget that word...sad to said no beaches in our little town...but...l did went to a beach call 'Tg. Bunga' in penang malaysia, looking at those lovely pics of beaches......u must hav enjoyed so much.
thk for adding me to yr link
Dog friendly beaches? Hmm...sad to say there aren't any near my place *sigh...*
Love your pictures! No beach near where I live...Lake Michigan...but too far to take the dog to the beach!
Hi, Max.
Nice to meet you!
I live in Mexico in the middle of the desert so, no beaches here. Sure many other doggies will help you!
Have a good night
Hi Max the beach is my favourite place in the world too - I don't care which one as long as there's sand and water I'm happy!!!
I really loved that last photo of you and your humans on the beach it's beautiful.
Hi Ashley, thank you so much for sending the first story to petbeach!
I love your blog, and you just won the petbeach award! Just come over and pick it up, it's yours!
Hugs & kisses, Alex (Big Boss of petbeach ;o)))
I love going to the beach, all that sand to dig in and water to splash in. Bliss.
Simba xx
wat a coincidence.... i'm currently looking for a great place for vacation too
Thats a great idea...to post on pet friendly beaches.
We havent been to the beach since we dont live close by.
Ooops almost forgot...we linked you too
woofies Max, nice to meeted u, me saw u on Butchy and Snickers bloggy and fought me wood come say woof to ya...me lives close to a river, no beach, its bout 2 to 3 hrs down da road...
b safe,
Hi Ashley!!! I love the beach, i was born in a city with beach... My favorite beache is Tarifa, in Spain...and mom say that she like Atlantic city´s beach... because she lived in USA for a long time...
Good evening.
The beach is wonderful, and shares my beach. :)
It is scenery of Kobe.
It is famous in Kobe beef.
from loved ume tyan
WE'VE NEVER BEEN TO THE BEACH!!! Wahhhhh! We want new parents.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Lucky u. On my island, there are lotsa restrictions. We can't go off leash on beaches! To make things worse, there was an incident recently when an unleashed husky attacked a toddler. Almost ripped off her ears. Now my hoomans don't bring me to the beach until this whole hoo-haa settles.
i certainly do have my ways, lst of all i have four dogs, two labs our hearing dog terrier for my 90% deaf daughter, and a cocker spaniel who is the queen of our house....secondly we love dogs, army of four, ivys, cooper, sitka, knapps dogs, and have been writing to them so you came from their reccommendation about how neat you and yor dog are...thirdly i have just retired and love people, dogs and the internet
So sorry to say that I have no puppy (I have a bunny) but love your blog. Your photo of the three of you is soooo cute!! Your beach shots are wonderful.. :) :) Max is just a real cutie!! and he can drive. Now that must be a bonus!! :) :)
Bow Wow & Omarion possibly the best pair ever assembled in Rap and R&B this decade. They are so cute and funny. You will not believe what they said the other day after they performed. Catch it here to see: http://www.kiisfm.com/cc-common/losangeles/podcast/jojo.html
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